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Transformative Tensions in the Third Age: Mature Students and the Changing Face of Teacher Education


Transformative Tensions in the Third Age: Mature Students and the Changing Face of Teacher Education

Walker, Cindy (2016) Transformative Tensions in the Third Age: Mature Students and the Changing Face of Teacher Education. Masters thesis, Concordia University.

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Cindy Walker MA Thesis 2016 Art Education.pdf - Accepted Version


The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences of four mature students, Rob, Rosemary, Charlotte and myself (all over 45 years of age) and our return to learning to pursue a professional teaching career. Given the influx of mature learners at the postsecondary level, sometimes referred to as ‘third age’ students, more attention is needed on the experiences of this population, particularly in fields of study like teacher education, which has historically targeted younger students. From our stories of returning to learning, three themes emerged that defined our experiences: relationships, values and challenges. Based on these themes, the complexity of being marginalized due to age, yet privileged due to life experience, came to the forefront. As mature learners, we experienced transformative tensions that suggest shifts in postsecondary education are warranted in terms of life-long learning and the capacity of institutions to provide the kinds of personal and professional support needed for mature student success. With particular attention to holistic education, our stories highlight respect, empathy and compassion for others, from which core concepts of duality, ambiguity, dialectic, power dynamics and living curriculum emerged as outcomes of this study. Examining the lived experiences of mature learners in higher education allows rich transformative experiences and innovative learning perspectives to develop concerning the understanding of self, education, and classroom communities, and by extension, creation and transformation of a learning society and culture.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Art Education
Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Authors:Walker, Cindy
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Art Education
Date:March 2016
Thesis Supervisor(s):Sinner, Anita
ID Code:981114
Deposited By: CINDY WALKER
Deposited On:31 May 2016 19:40
Last Modified:18 Jan 2018 17:52


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