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Not Just a Doll: An Intervention for Elementary School-Aged Children Affected by Grief


Not Just a Doll: An Intervention for Elementary School-Aged Children Affected by Grief

Onofrio, Erica Nicole (2018) Not Just a Doll: An Intervention for Elementary School-Aged Children Affected by Grief. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished)

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Onofrio_MA_F2018.pdf - Accepted Version


Everyone experiences grief at some point in their life; sometimes it is an unconscious sentiment that could be brought to the surface via art-making, allowing for self-expression of these emotions. Childhood grief may be of particular difficulty for a child to experience and understand. The difficulty can be amplified when the loss is that of a caregiver who they rely on and are strongly attached to. Children may be faced with the lack of self-expressive language or life experience to engage with the emotions that are connected to their grief. An art therapy intervention for school-aged children affected by grief following the loss of a primary caretaker is proposed which integrates attachment theory, Winnicott’s concept of transitional objects, and grief and bereavement research. The intervention uses doll making in a group setting to serve as a positive reminder of the departed attachment figure that can provide a way to honor the relationship.

Divisions:Concordia University > Faculty of Fine Arts > Creative Arts Therapies
Item Type:Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)
Authors:Onofrio, Erica Nicole
Institution:Concordia University
Degree Name:M.A.
Program:Creative Arts Therapies (Art Therapy Option)
Date:11 July 2018
Keywords:Keywords: grief therapy, loss, children, doll making, transitional objects, play therapy, coping strategies, Winnicott Theory, resiliency, attachment theory, group therapy, trauma, rituals, solution focused treatment, prolonged grief, art therapy
ID Code:984036
Deposited On:13 Jul 2018 16:57
Last Modified:13 Jul 2018 16:57


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