Column name,Full column name,Description,Data type,Unit of measure,Acceptable/allowed values ,,,,, Marginal rate of mortality,,,,, sites,sites,Sites sampled during the years of the study,text,,Sites 1 through 28 Defoliation,Defoliation history,History of defoliation during the last outbreak,text,,"Control, Outbreak" Treatment,Enclosure treatment,"Types of enclosure treatments used during the study which can be either no exclusion (free), partial predator exclusion (tanglefoot) or complete predator exclusion (cage)",text,,"Free, Tanglefoot, Cage" Counts,Counts of caterpillars alive,Counts of caterpillars alive at the moment of the sampling event,integer,individuals,Equal or higher than 0 TotalEmerged,Total number of emerged caterpillars,Total number of caterpillars emerged from the egg mass in the enclosure treatment. Counted using recovered egg masses that present an clean round opening,integer,individuals,Equal or higher than 0 TotalEggMass,Total number of eggs on an egg mass,Total number of eggs on the egg mass taken from the enclosure treatment. Counted using recovered egg masses,integer,individuals,Equal or higher than 0 Instar,Instar of majority of caterpillars,Instar of majority of the caterpillars at the time of the sampling event.,text,,"Instar 1 through 5, NA (dead)" leaves,Presence of leaves,Presence of leaves in the branches close to the enclosure treatment,text,,"open, closed, leaves" date,calendar date,calendar date,date,, juliandate,julian date,julian date,integer,, year,year,year,integer,,"2017, 2018, 2019" percentSurvivorship,Percentage of survivorship of caterpillars,Percent of survivorship of the caterpillars from the enclosure treatment during the sampling event. Calculated as Counts/TotalEmerged,decimal,,Equal or higher than 0 percentSurvivorship_adj,Percentage of survivorship of caterpillars adjusted,"Percent of survivorship adjusted. Survival cannot be more than 100. However, since caterpillars are small and close together in the colonies, some caterpillars could have been counted twice. Therefore, we adjust for it. ",decimal,,0-100 propSurv,Proportion of survival,Proportion of survival. This is simply the survivorship divided by 100. percentSurvivorship_adj / 100,decimal,,0-1 Mortality,Proportion of mortality,"Proportion of mortality of the enclosure treatment during the sampling even. In order to be able to use the data for subsequent calculations, we inversed the proportion to represent mortality rather than survival. This is calculated as 1-propSurv.",decimal,,0-1