var config = { style: 'mapbox://styles/beccaredds/cky3g9t6n2cys14n8yncsx1la', accessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYmVjY2FyZWRkcyIsImEiOiJja3ExcnZ6bzcwNzltMm9wNHd6ODc4eGJtIn0._FUpv9fu-aX_Il8MsFbnqA', showMarkers: true, markerColor: '#3FB1CE', theme: 'dark', use3dTerrain: true, title: 'Climate Futures', subtitle: 'An Exploration of the Future of Montreal Under Climate Change', byline: 'By Rebeccah Redden', footer: 'To read the full thesis project, with participant quotes and more, contact Special thanks to Eve Parker Finley for creating the beautiful audio tracks, and thank you to the participants who gave their hopes and dreams for the future. © Rebeccah Redden 2022', chapters: [ { id: 'Chapter1', alignment: 'full', hidden: true, title: 'What is climate futures', description: 'Climate futures is an exploration of Montreal 20+ years in the future, as told by 6 community members and/or activists living, working, and creating in Montreal. They told their stories of what they hoped the future would look like, invluenced by their histories, marginalizations, and belief in a better world. Their answers have been interpreted into this map, where we are able to traverse the topography of a climate changed world from their visions, and explore the survival of our city despite the challenges. These images, hope and dreams come directly from community members, and are a part of a practice of visionary fiction, as conceptualized by Walida Imahara and adrienne maree brown.', location: { center: [-73.61280, 45.50217], zoom: 10.82, pitch: 0, bearing: -54.40 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ { layer: 'boroughs (1)', opacity: 0, }, { layer:'points-of-interest-climate-fut', opacity: 0, }, { layer:'last-try-2', opacity: 0, }, { layer:'map-labels-1', opacity: 0, }, { layer:'place-labels', opacity: 1, }, { layer: 'natural-point-label', opacity: 1, duration: 300, }, ], onChapterExit: [ { layer: 'boroughs (1)', opacity: 0 } ] }, { id: 'Chapter2', alignment: 'left', hidden: false, title: 'What is Climate Futures', image: '', description: 'Climate Futures is an exploration of Montreal 20+ years into the future, as told by 6 community members and/or activists living, working, and creating in Montreal. They told their stories of what they hoped the future would look like, influenced by their histories, marginalizations, and belief in a better world. Their answers have been interpreted into this map, where we are able to traverse the topography of a climate changed world from their visions, and explore the survival of our city despite the challenges. These images, hope and dreams come directly from community members, and are a part of a practice of visionary fiction, as conceptualized by Walida Imahara and adrienne maree brown.', location: { center: [-73.61280, 45.50217], zoom: 10.82, pitch: 0, bearing: -54.40 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ { layer: 'boroughs', opacity: .4, duration: 300, } ], onChapterExit: [ { layer: 'boroughs', opacity: 0, duration: 500, } ] }, { id: 'Chapter3', alignment: 'right', hidden: false, title: 'The future', image: '', description: 'Things have shifted greatly in the city over 20+ years. Overtime, as our infrastructure fell apart, we faced climate effects and civil unrest. It wasn’t easy, but it gave us a chance to rebuild not just our lives, but our society the way we wanted to see it. Boroughs became new city-states (outlined in pink), with their own leadership, based on consensus decision making, community care, partnerships and creating a space we were support and lift up each other.', location: { center: [-73.61280, 45.50217], zoom: 10.82, pitch: 0, bearing: -54.40 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ { layer: 'boroughs', opacity: 0, duration: 500, }, { layer: 'boroughs (1)', opacity: 1, duration: 300, }, { layer: 'points-of-interest-climate-fut', opacity: 1, duration: 300, }, { layer: 'map-labels-1', opacity: 1, duration: 300, }, { layer: 'last-try-2', opacity: 1, duration: 300, }, { layer: 'natural-point-label', opacity: 0, duration: 300, }, { layer: 'place-labels', opacity: 0, duration: 300, }, ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter-2b', alignment: 'left', hidden: false, title: 'The Old Port', description:'The landscape of the city has changed - flooding has taken over much of the lower part of the city. Over the years it has changed where people live, work, play, and survive. Metro stations are unusable this far south, mostly used with boats or via walking now. However, people have created ways to thrive alongside the water, from transport, to fishing, to agriculture, to living on the water. It’s being remediated actively, so that it will be safer for us to survive.', location: { center: [-73.55218, 45.50526], zoom: 16.14, pitch: 45, bearing: 0 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter-2b', alignment: 'full', hidden: true, video: '', title: 'The Old Port', description: 'Click the centre to activate 360 image, then click the music note" ', location: { center: [-73.55218, 45.50526], zoom: 16.14, pitch: 45, bearing: 0 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter-2', alignment: 'full', hidden: false, title: 'The Old Port', video: '', description: 'Click the centre to activate 360 image, then click the music note. ', location: { center: [-73.55218, 45.50526], zoom: 16.14, pitch: 45, bearing: 0 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter-Hoch', alignment: 'left', hidden: false, title: 'Community Survival', image: '', description: 'Although the city is growing again, and communities are taking care of themselves and each other, we found ourselves in a lot of danger before this. Working class communities in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and Montreal North had to adjust the most due to being close to the water, but also were the strongest, forming some of the first community groups and support networks that relied on intergenerational knowledge. ', location: { center: [ -73.54399, 45.54653], zoom: 15, pitch: 75, bearing: 12 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: 'false', callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Jarrychapter1', alignment: 'right', hidden: false, title: 'Parc Jarry', image: '', description:'Next we visit the popular Parc Jarry, where what used to be an active recreational spot is now a space for community farming, bartering, exchanging, living. Parks quickly became a centre for community, because of the expanse of green space and the general sense of collectivity and connectivity. Because each neighbourhood has their own parks, these became the centre for community leadership, as well as places to grow and find resources to help each other thrive. Meetings, workshops and markets happen here, and people can always find what or who they need.', location: { center: [-73.62850, 45.53496], zoom: 16.00, pitch: 45.00, bearing: -40.00 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Jarrychapter', alignment: 'full', hidden: false, title: 'Parc Jarry', image: '', description: '', location: { center: [-73.62850, 45.53496], zoom: 16.00, pitch: 45.00, bearing: -40.00 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter-Kahnewake', alignment: 'left', hidden: false, title: 'Land', image: '', description: 'Montreal, or Tiohti:áke, on the traditional territory of the Kanienkehà:ka, long served as a site of meeting and exchange. This role has been renewed, and the connection between Kahnawá:ke and Tiohti:áke has built up stronger than ever, and communications continue on ways to reclaim land, decolonize, and work together on climate change and building a city that acknowledges the past, and brings forward into the future. Their territory has expanded closer to the original promises set out by the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis. However, as we watched the end of society as we knew it, there is a new recognition that colonial borders are meaningless - In actuality, traditional Kanienkehá:ka territory spans 3.6 million hectares. There is still more to do together', location: { center: [ -73.65189, 45.40252], zoom: 11.31, pitch: 15, bearing: 12 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: 'false', callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Protest2', alignment: 'right', hidden: false, title: 'Jeanne Mance Park', image: '', description: 'Protest is still a large part of the our daily lives. While the end of late stage capitalism continues to burn out, we still need to fight to save our city, our communities, and our planet. We’ve learned to survive despite it, and here we find Indigenous, Black, and POC communities, young and old, leading the charge to build the world they want to see. The fight isn’t over, but every day we grow stronger, with closer community ties, learning lessons from the past that have been passed down.', location: { center: [-73.58493, 45.51467], zoom: 15.68, pitch: 45.00, bearing: -40.00 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Protest', alignment: 'full', hidden: false, image: '', description: '', location: { center: [-73.58493, 45.51467], zoom: 15.68, pitch: 45.00, bearing: -40.00 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'airport', alignment: 'right', hidden: false, title: 'YUL Farm', image: '', description: 'With air travel and car travel limited or no longer an option, communities around this area made good use of the airport. Given its closeness to the highway, in the early days it was one of the hubs of protest and action, for occupations to stand up against the elites - it is now a massive gardening space, and the terminals have been turned into spaces for community organizing, housing and even medical centres.', location: { center: [-73.74514, 45.46616], zoom: 15, pitch: 75, bearing: -54.40 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: true, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter4intro', alignment: 'left', hidden: false, title: '', image: '', description: 'We end our journey on top of Mont Royal. This area became a place where all boroughs could come together, make decisions together, a look out, and a place where people who were the most vulnerable could share protection and resources together. It is also the place we choose to reflect on how far we’ve come - seeing the remains of what the city used to be, and turning around to see how we’ve thrived since then.', location: { center: [ -73.59907, 45.50705], zoom: 15, pitch: 75, bearing: 12 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: 'true', callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'Chapter4', alignment: 'full', hidden: false, title: 'Mont Royal Autonomous Look-out Point', image: '', description: '', location: { center: [ -73.59907, 45.50705], zoom: 15, pitch: 75, bearing: 12 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: 'false', callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, { id: 'other-identifier', alignment: 'right', hidden: true, title: 'Second Title', image: './path/to/image/source.png', description: 'Copy these sections to add to your story.', location: { center: [-73.61280, 45.50217], zoom: 10.82, pitch: 0, bearing: -54.40 }, mapAnimation: 'flyTo', rotateAnimation: false, callback: '', onChapterEnter: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 1, // duration: 5000 // } ], onChapterExit: [ // { // layer: 'layer-name', // opacity: 0 // } ] }, ] };