The design, development and of a formative evaluation of a simulation game RetireWise is described. The simulation game was created to assist with retirement planning. It serves as both an icebreaker and as an advanced organizer to help participants determine what information they need to collect at a retirement seminar by employing a cooperative method. The study was conducted with 4 groups of participants at two companies. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered immediately before and directly after the simulation game. Two facilitators provided input as did organizers at two companies. Four financial planners and the Director of the Dobson Centre evaluated the simulation game. The results showed that the simulation game enabled the participants to take stock of how well prepared they were for retirement. In many cases, participants realized that they were not prepared and were in a better position as a result of the experience to know what information they needed to collect. The participants took ownership for planning their retirement and recommended the experience to family, friends and colleagues. Comments regarding the evaluation of the simulation game as well as suggestions for further research are discussed.