An important influence for developing high performance employees is their level of commitment to an organization's success. This study, at a transportation consulting company, used a needs assessment methodology to identify: (1) What commitment means to employees? (2) Whether people are committed? And, (3) if people are not committed, how can their level of commitment be increased? The research found that the majority of the people sampled were classified as highly committed. However, a subgroup of the sample, the training development group, was identified as significantly (p = .016) less committed than others. The reason for these people being less committed to the organization was based on various systemic influences, organizational problems, and perceived poor employee needs satisfaction. The systemic and organizational level issues included the constant downsizing and re-organizations of the department, separation from the main group, the parent company's influence, and poor perceptions of organizational communications and working environment. On an individual level, people were dissatisfied with their level of job enjoyment, personal growth opportunities, sense of control and importance people felt in their jobs, recognition, and the level of personal and job support they received. The study concluded, that in order to increase employee commitment, in those identified as less committed, management will need to focus efforts in two main areas: (1) improving people's perceptions of the organization and its meaningfulness to them; (2) improving people's level of need's satisfaction, in key areas such as recognition, feedback, job enjoyment, and personal growth opportunities.