This thesis presents the study of the coding technique and the simulation results for the Forward Error Correction (FEC) of the wireless data in a highly noisy and severe fading wireless medium, based on standard (IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network specification) and GPS driven non-standard MAC schemes. The design and testing of this coding scheme is a part of MYMAR, a new Mobile Yellow page Messaging And Retrieval system, which is based on GPS driven slow frequency hopping access. The main contributions of this thesis are the demonstration of the performance of the coding scheme, which works well in severe fading environments. The coding technique uses simple Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction mechanisms coupled with a new highly interleaved data table. The performance of the coding scheme is assessed in Rayleigh fading multipath propagation with additive white Gaussian noise interference coupled with interference due to like user frequency hop overlapping (in non-standard MAC scheme). Simulation results for severe fading channel with burst error models are presented for both standard and non-standard MAC mechanisms. The simulation show very good and satisfactory results for high data rate with good TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit) loss probabilities.