paradigm in parallel and distributed environments. However, DSM often suffers from performance problems as consistency requirements often incur long access latencies that cannot be overlapped with other operations in a process. Sequential consistency is the most general consistency requirement for DSM systems. This thesis explores two different avenues to solve the performance problem for DSM systems. First, for sequentially consistent DSM, we introduce a new strategy to minimize synchronization cost and maximize the hiding of synchronization delays in a process. The strategy is based on the knowledge of spatial locality in the sharing of memory objects. An access graph is used to capture the sharing relationship among processes via the shared objects. We show that if accesses in all cycles are 'properly' synchronized, then the execution is guaranteed to be sequentially consistent. We develop two distinct solution strategies to ensure proper synchronization. (i) Neighbor protocol: conflicting accesses between two neighbors in an access cycle must be synchronized, and (ii) flush protocol: asynchronous accesses in an access cycle must be eventually synchronized by a special flush-access in the cycle. Simulation experiments have shown significant improvements in performance in our protocols, especially in the case of the flush protocol. Another strategy to improve performance of DSM systems is to adopt a weaker consistency model so that blocking among some memory operations can be removed. In this thesis, we use the primitive notion of program-order and value-order to define global view. Using this as a seed, various consistency models evolve and form multiple hierarchies of models. The creation of these models and hierarchies comes via one of the following means: (i) a global view is augmented with additional ordering among its operations whenever some orderings exist, or (ii) besides linearizability of a global view, certain orderings must not co-exist in it. The former involves augmentation rules, and the latter involves causality requirements. The creation of these hierarchies leads to several novel consequences: the notion of exact implementation is introduced, new protocols are discovered and the precise analysis of access behaviors of an application is now possible.