Integrating computers into the classroom has been an important issue for educators for many years, however the process of integrating computers is lengthy and complex. Many phases exist to achieving the complete integration of technology into pedagogy, the first of which is acquirement of basic computer literacy skills by teachers and others who interact with students. In order to promote computer use in schools, volunteers who show an interest in acquiring skills in various software applications, or related equipment can be trained as an initial step towards the increased awareness and use of computers in the schools. In order to begin this process at an urban elementary school in Quebec, 6 parent volunteers were given a 3-hour Introduction to Hyperstudio workshop. The training materials were instructionally designed using Gagne's theory of instruction. The workshop was instructor-led, and the participants were provided with a participant manual to help guide the learning process. Upon completion of the workshop the learners completed a participant survey, as well, interviews were conducted with several of the participants.