Originated and motivated from an observation from Dr. William Atwood from Concordia University Canada, it was proposed that the ESTELLE code be improved by making use of a slight deviation from ESTELLE into the C language by making use of 'Qualifying Comments' in ESTELLE. Such comments allowed the specification of C constructs, namely pointer references, that are not a defined type for ESTELLE. Further enhancements gave birth to a generation of the ESTELLE specification, where most of the data manipulation C operations had been taken out of the XTP protocol, and consolidated into a set of highly efficient and frequently executed parts of code. These 'code beans' are referred to as 'primitives' and make full usage of the C language. The thrust of this report is to review and document the topology of the most recent ESTELLE specification of the XTP protocol, propose improvements if such are possible, and finally compare the performance of both the ESTELLE specification and the SANDIA C++ specification of XTP.