Physical education programs have been charged with the responsibility of developing our children's bodies through sports and exercise. In addition, we expect adult-supervised, structured play to expose our children to fundamental concepts of modern life: competition, co-operation, rules, values, structure and hierarchy. If this is so, then physical education is an important socializing mechanism; yet somehow society does not expect this to be its explicit goal. This paper investigates the value of physical education in the socialization of children, how it has served and failed societies in the past, and how it may serve and fail them in the future. An historical survey of various societies' athletic programs details their socializing effects in the past. Discussions on the social consequences of our current programs are evidenced by field observation; we study the dynamics of athletic peer groups, observe the initiation of novices and examine the effect of professional sports heroes. An examination of the theoretical principles behind the observations allows the reader to appreciate the impact on the developing child of the social dynamics of formalized play. We come to understand that much of the skill and knowledge acquired during such activity are vitally social; from the social perspective, we cannot discount the implications of improperly directed formal play. Furthermore, we cannot ignore the tremendous positive socializing potential of our children's physical education.