This thesis describes both the development of a sampling strategy and monitoring of seven typical construction/renovation activities for the types and concentrations of particulate, gaseous and microbiological contaminants that were produced. The activities were: prepared dry wall sanding, metal cutting, water-damaged drywall removal, ceiling tile removal, carpet removal/installation, painting, air duct caulking/sealing. Sampling was performed near each activity, at some distance from the activity to estimate spreading potential, and in supply air to determine background concentrations. In addition, ventilation/exhaust rates were measured or estimated, and temperatures and relative humidities recorded. In addition to samples, spot measurements were made with direct-reading equipment for particles in two size ranges and for total VOC, to provide more information on the spatial movement of contaminants, and on variations of concentration with time. The highest particle counts in both size ranges were associated with metal welding. TVOC concentrations associated with VOC-free carpet adhesive, latex paint and water-based duct sealant were all low. Very large quantities of mold spores were found in samples collected during removal of water-damaged drywall. High concentrations were also measured for three microbial VOCs that are typically associated with active mold growth. Sampling also produced evidence for release of mold spores during removal of old carpet and old ceiling tiles. For most activities, concentrations of emitted contaminants decreased with distance from the activity.