The relative contribution of the attachment to mother, father, and best friend to the quality of adolescent romantic relationships was investigated. Participants (N = 276, mean age = 19) completed the Relationships Questionnaire (RQ: Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991). Scores were calculated to form perception of one's worthiness with the target figure (Model of Self) and perception of the target figure's availability (Model of Other; Griffin & Bartholomew, 1994). Hypotheses were: (1) attachment to romantic partner would be predicted by attachment to best friend after controlling for the contribution of attachment to parents, and (2) attachment to parents would predict attachment to best friend. Results indicated that more secure attachments to parents predicted more favorable views of the Self with Romantic Partner, with views of Self with Father uniquely contributing. In addition, attachment to best friend predicted beyond that of parents, with Self with Best Friend uniquely contributing. Relationship quality with parents predicted the quality of best friendships, with views of Self with and of mother uniquely contributing. These results suggest that the more favorable adolescents view themselves with their best friend, and their parents, the more positively they view themselves with their romantic partner. Additionally, how adolescents perceive themselves with and view their mothers seems to play a unique role in how they see themselves with and view their best friends. Furthermore, while good relationships with mothers may contribute uniquely to more secure adolescent best friendships, fathers may have a special place in adolescents' romantic relationships.