This report describes the design and implementation issues of a book bag shopping system for the CINDI virtual library. There are a number of book bag systems, most of which are developed using Cgi/Perl, Java, Active Server Page (ASP) and ColdFusion. In the design and implementation of the CINDI book bag system, we use the PHP as a scripting language, MySQL as a database server, and Apache as a Web server under Debian Linux. This system environment can meet the requirements of the CINDI virtual library. It is a good combination for developing the CINDI book bag system. For introduction and easy understanding of the book bag system, the shopping bag system of the online bookstore is reviewed. Some important issues for book bag system are discussed, like maintaining persistent information on the stateless web, user authentication, security, and the principles of web GUI design. What we applied in the system is also stated. The components of the book bag system and its implementation are given. Some screens of the GUI interface pages and some related code are also presented. Finally, the integration of the book bag system in CINDI virtual library system and further works for the system are depicted.