The Chabad Lubavitch movement provides modern-day sociologists and anthropologists with the opportunity to study a large, world renown messianic movement that identified its Messiah, namely their Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson only to watch him die shortly after. Two years after the Rebbe's death, the Chassidim (adherents) of this movement continue to grapple with their loss. Without a successor to guide Schneerson's followers and no new focus of attention, many of the Chassidim continue to proclaim the Rebbe as the Messiah. The remainder of the Chassidim continue to function as Lubavitchers but without special emphasis on public Messianic declarations. The discrepancies in the Messianic belief between the groups have created a split in the Lubavitch movement. What holds these two groups together is the fact that no single Lubavitcher denies the importance of the Rebbe to the Chabad Lubavitch movement despite his passing. This paper will first provide a brief history of the development of Chasidism and Chabad Lubavitch leading up to the transition of the movement in the 1950's. The next section will provide a thorough examination of the major changes that Lubavitch underwent over the four decades that Schneerson led the movement. The final part of this paper will describe the numerous coping skills that the Lubavitchers have developed since the death of the Rebbe for the present and how they plan to confront the future.