The need to educate students on the topic of cyberbullying, its signs, definitions, prevention and reactive strategies, is a key need in our growing technological society. Current research shows that cyberbullying remains more esoteric than its manifestations; without definition and knowledge of its basics, it cannot be prevented by victim or bully, parent or teacher. Yet, more often than not, the attempts to stop cyberbullying begin with actions such as removing or restricting the technology. The bullying continues despite those actions. Therefore, this study will endeavor to show that in order to curtail or prevent cyberbullying, it must begin with awareness, in attempting to answer the question, “why raise awareness to prevent cyberbullying?” However, before students receive any education, it is the educational institutions, the people directly responsible for these students during the weekday hours, which need the awareness. Through the use of an awareness program, given to educators, in the form of an interactive self-directed program, this study will show that informing those in charge of our youth is the first step needed to help with an understanding of cyberbullying, its definitions and manifestations, the roleplayers, and impact of bullying upon others.