The focus of this qualitative study is to explore why Italian immigrant women enroll in a literacy program in a second language context, second, it presents the sociocultural and psychosocial effects of the course on the women; and finally it states the views of the instructor on issues pertaining to the course and to Italian immigrant women. Personal development and personal independence, communication with immediate and extended family, social interaction, and the acquisition of literacy skills are the fundamental reasons why these women enroll in a literacy program. Several positive effects of the literacy program are noted. These range from an increase in functional skills to an improvement in self-confidence. Communication with grandchildren and family members was facilitated by their English literacy acquisition. The isolation that they may have felt at home was also diminished. The instructor also noted a strong need for social interaction among the women. The reasons for enrollment underscore the basic need for personal development and also illustrate that there is a growing demand for such courses in the community. These courses are provided to immigrant women in the aspiration that they will become full participating citizens in the community.