In this research I have studied the effectiveness of copying when used as a tool to enhance visual learning and to teach various art concepts. In the context of art history, I have looked at how copying was used in the training of artists, and how it eventually helped the artists display originality in their own work. Finally, I have looked at the diverging views held by art educators regarding the issue of copying, and its relation to creativity, originality, self-expression and learning. A teaching project for adults to learn representational drawing based on the concept of copying was developed and implemented. Students learned about elements of drawings, first by copying and investigating from two-dimensional sources, and then, applying those learned concepts in observational drawings. During interviews conducted with students following the classes, students mentioned benefits such as increased confidence, a sense of satisfaction and achievement, better eye/hand coordination, enhanced learning of new skills and techniques, and enhanced perceptual training (learning to 'see' better)