Syncretism in the religion of Christianity has been an important, if not the most crucial aspect of its survival. This is even more true about the Early Christianity period, its first six centuries. In this study, the story of the Amazons is scrutinized in order to see what the Fathers of the Church have said about these 'barbarian' women. Since the main concern for the time was to convert pagan citizen to Christianity and as the social context of this conversion was set in a most patriarcal society, syncretism created the Amazons as an example of the non-christian women, therefore an example of what to not do. As this can be said for the whole period, nuances are shown in the tone used which reflects the century, the region, the background and the purposes influencing each individual. Overall, this magnificent story of the Amazons, part of Greek mythology, carries within its lines the stigma imbeded by the pagans and propagated by Christians to uphold in their own beliefs.