Early in 1941 a four-page document known as the Malvern Findings summarizing the main tenets of British social Christian thought at that time was issued to the world-wide Anglican communion. This document was well-received in Canada and resulted in the formation of three Anglican groups whose members were deeply committed to the Christian principles outlined in the Findings . One was a group in Toronto that published a newsletter called Canada and Christendom from 1942 to 1944; the second was the Anglican Fellowship for Social Action in Montreal and Nova Scotia that had its beginnings in 1943, and the third was the Ottawa editor and his board who founded the independent church paper, The Anglican Outlook and News Digest in November 1945. By October 1946, members of all these groups were actively involved in the paper's publication; the paper was published monthly for fifteen years on a voluntary basis. The focus of this study is on the paper's central concern, the role of the Church in contemporary Canadian society, and the editorial policies that served this concern in the period from November 1945 to February 1949.