Existing IEEE 802.11 provide minimal connectivity for wireless network, while a number of different routing protocols are proposed for wireless ad-hoc network connectivity in recent years. Traditional routing protocols are classified in two categories: proactive and reactive. More efficient routing protocols combine both features to minimize network overhead and transfer delay. In this work, a modified zone-based hierarchical link state routing protocol (MZHLS) is presented. In MZHLS, the network is divided into non-overlapping zones. Link state routing is performed on two levels: node level and zone level. MZHLSP is proactive at node level and reactive when destination node exists in different zones. Only zone ID and node ID of a destination are needed for routing and zone ID is found by searching specific zones, for example, periphery zones. Performance analysis of MZHLS is emphasized. To evaluate the performance of MZHLS, a simulation model of file transfer process is built in C programming language. Performance analysis of MZHLS focuses on transfer delay, overhead, throughput, buffer overflow, etc. The protocol's behavior and changes introduced by variations on some of the parameter settings and the mechanisms that makes up the protocol are examined. Simulation results show the parameter and mechanisms that have the greatest impact and the trade offs that exist between them.