This is an inquiry into the tools developed by the early Germanic aristocracy to solidify, extend and maintain their leadership roles and hence their right to rule. It applied to the individual warlord as leader of his band of followers as well as to the collectivity of warlords within a tribe who were represented in the institution of the council of leading men. During this time Germanic peoples were exposed to the cultural influences and political policies of the Roman Empire which greatly furthered the transformation of tribal societies into formal states when warlords became kings and free warriors were bound in patronage. Nevertheless, throughout the turmoil of migration and change, Germanic leadership held on to their native legitimacy originally endorsed and validated by an oath of allegiance on part of their followers. When some Germanic peoples settled on Roman soil individual leaders fought to maintain viable communities eventually transforming them into political entities. In doing so, they added to their Germanic right to rule imperial criteria of legitimization that was designed to enhance their status, acceptance, authority and power in the Romans' perception whom they eventually ruled as kings. This study follows Germanic aristocracy through the transformation of their societies and exposes the many means deployed to maintain themselves as leaders and hence uphold their legitimacy.