This research wants to put in value the potential of art therapy, and demonstrate that this discipline is a valuable alternative to help the adolescent suffering of psychosomatic troubles. This study first examine psychosexual development from infancy to adolescence, in order to better understand the psychodynamic role of the body inside of psychosomatic troubles. The examination of various symptomatologic and etiologic conceptions permits us to better seize what distinguishes clinical approach in psychoanalysis, in psychosomatic and in psychopathology. The overall psychotherapeutic indications stemming from these disciplines helps us to better define the ones that could take in count the adolescent's vulnerability inside a multi-modal approach in art therapy. A ±generalist» approach in psychosomatic is then applied to a study case concerning an adolescent with multiple problems suffering of psychosomatic troubles. This study case is divided in three parts: a bio-psycho-social description of the problematic; the examination of the therapeutic relation and process of art therapy; and finally: the analysis of images created in art therapy. A psychoanalytical frame of reference is applied to the interpretation of therapeutic process and images. The analysis of «mentalisation», «regression» and «somatisation» phenomenon, through therapeutic process implying a mediation by the image, permits us to better understand how art therapy can help the adolescent suffering of psychosomatic troubles