This memoir is based on a translation of an Indian novel written in English by a Bengali author. It has led to research on Bengali literature and Indian literature written in English, as well as on cultural exchanges between France and India, which are both interesting and enriching for Translation Studies. First of all, it seemed useful to approach the author's work from a historical perspective--partly inspired by the Polysystem theory--since translation is perceived as belonging to a larger set of cultural exchanges. Cultural mediators between France and India have played an important role, yet exchanges have remained minimal. Next, a historical assessment of translations into French of Indian literature written in English and Bengali has led us to the conclusion that certain authors stood out, such as Tagore and Rushdie. After an analysis of Amit Chaudhuri's novel, its essential features are discussed: its "Bengaliness", which results from its interest in the daily details of Calcuttan life, its inscription in Bengali culture and its intertextuality with other Bengali literary works and films. The essential features of the work are taken up in the translation commentary which relies on some of Antoine Berman's theories. The theoretical framework put forward by Berman does not impede the translating subject's reflection. The translation commentary also relies on Sukanta Chaudhuri's ideas on the cultural encounter provoked by translation.