This study presents tools to select the optimum solutions recommended for the design of energy-efficient house in Montreal, Canada. The computer model of the base case house was developed using BLAST program and using on-site measurements such as air leakage based on blower door test, short-term monitoring of indoor air temperature and electricity consumption derived from utility bills. Several design alternatives have been developed using both parametric and non-parametric approaches. The developed design alternatives included: (i) the modifications of the characteristics of building envelope, (ii) the modifications of the architectural design and (iii) the building operating conditions. The energy performance of selected design alternatives was evaluated using the calibrated model of base case and BLAST program. Results show that although the base case house is already energy efficient, there is still potential to improve its energy performance via developing the design tools of the house. The concept of energy efficiency includes more than the total energy consumption. The performance of the selected alternatives has been evaluated by using the multi-attribute life-cycle analysis. Three objective functions were used in the life-cycle analysis: (1) the total energy consumption, including the embodied energy and the operating energy; (2) the life-cycle cost, including the initial and the energy operating costs and (3) the environmental impacts, evaluated by using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) index, which is calculated in terms of equivalent CO 2 emissions. A database of design alternatives and related life-cycle performance has been developed in this study. A Decision Support System based on previous database for evaluating the design alternatives has been established to select the best set of alternatives during the energy-efficient design of low-residential buildings in Canada.