The goal of this project is to design a simulator and debugger which extends the capabilities of the current simulator called MOON simulator into a new modern debugger with a friendly and nice looking graphical user interface. MOON is a programming language for a simplified RISC processor. It was designed as a target language for compilers written in the Compiler Design courses (COMP442 and COMP 642 in Concordia University), moreover, it can be used as an aid to learning assembly language concepts. The MOON Debugger/Simulator can edit and assemble MOON programs into the "machine language" of the host processor, simulate the execution of programs on the processor, and provide some debugging facilities. The implementation is based on Java language with JDK1.3, and the system can run on any popular platforms. This report covers the system requirement, GUI design, object-oriented design and implementation in Java. The user's manual and some class source files are listed.