The main objective of this research is to examine feminist critiques of international human rights law particularly in light of the December 2001 report by the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights entitled "Promises to Keep: Implementing Canada's Human Rights Obligations." This report acknowledges the discrepancy between Canada's international human rights commitments and the actual implementation of measures to ensure observance of these obligations and sets the stage for the 'third phase' of human rights. At issue in this 'third phase' is how to actually implement international human rights law in a comprehensive and systematic way that ensures a 'human rights' perspective in public policies, programs and legislation. At issue in international human rights law is the use of 'gender neutral' language and values and assumptions that reinforce gender inequalities. This in effect means that the gendered character of economic, social and political relations from which public policy emerges, is for the most part, not a consideration. In addition, most public servants, policy experts and many parliamentarians, still believe that public policy is 'gender neutral'. This thesis challenges the concept of 'gender-neutrality' and reminds parliamentarians and policy-makers that human rights that do not include women are not human and this should not be forgotten or left unsaid in any future recommendations and actions aimed at effectively implementing both Canada's commitments to international human rights law and the Federal Plan for Gender Equality.