The Concordia INdexing and DIscovery system (CINDI) is an indexing system. It enables a user to index and discover information resources from the CINDI virtual library. The information resource is described by using a meta-data called a Semantic Header. Automatic Semantic Header Generator (ASHG) is an automatic tool for the extraction and storage of some of the meta-information in a Semantic Header and an automatic text classification scheme. This major report describes how to port the ASHG to web server on Linux. It is part of the work to develop a Web-based CINDI system. In the web based ASHG system, MySQL is employed for storing the ASHG's thesaurus. Apache is used as web server. The PHP script language is also used to create the user interface. All functions of ASHG are developed by using C++ and Perl. The functions of the extraction of the meta-data from the existing ASHG are ported and the main algorithms of ASHG are adapted to the web-based system. We redesigned and implemented the ASHG's architecture, the web-based user interface, the ASHG's thesaurus, the programs used to build and maintain the thesaurus and all interfaces between main algorithms and database in the web based ASHG system. Finally, the ASHG system has been integrated with Web-based CINDI system