Systemic models of essential roles, processes, products and factors involved in implementations of web-based competency and training management programs are important guidance tools to organizations integrating learning management systems (LMS) to support human performance improvement goals. In order to leverage the potential of LMS, strategies to use a LMS to align e-learning and classroom-based training with competency requirements need to be delineated. This thesis applies the grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1990) approach to develop a holistic understanding of the implementation of a web-based competency and training management program at Bell Canada, and generate a descriptive, systemic model of the steps performed. The findings suggest that the process of implementing a web-based competency and training management program involves different phases, and success is highly dependent on the change management approach, the level of granularity of competency definitions, the types of competencies models used and the instructional design strategy employed for content development. A set of recommendations for the evolution of research on effective management of competency and training systems technology is made