In this study, the researcher started by viewing INSET (the in-service training for teachers) as a basic need for all teachers, especially for those who are un- or under-qualified. The aim of INSET is to help teachers already in the profession to keep in touch with developments in education and update their teaching strategies, skills, techniques, approaches, and methods. The researcher argues further that opportunities to attend INSET abound in South Africa. However, INSET can be seen as problematic because many INSET courses are initiated, organized, designed and conducted by facilitators who have either lost touch with schools or have never been at schools. Often INSET courses are conducted without any input from the teachers. This research surveyed a group of teachers to find out their experiences with and opinions about such INSET programs and to gather their input about what kind and how INSET should be organized to be more successful. The results showed that the INSET in which teachers want to participate is one in which they are participants and not passengers only. They would like to be heard so that they may make a difference and own the courses too. They further indicated that their attendance in future INSETS will depend on whether planning, organization and management of the courses meet certain criteria