This paper will explore the primary research question, How can Art Therapy offer reparative experiences for a child with behavioral difficulties related to Separation Anxiety Disorder? Through a case study and literature review I will demonstrate that such reparative experiences are interactive in a twofold dimensional conceptualization of the art therapy process. The first is carried out in the realm of play and supported art making; the second one properly takes place in the relationship between the therapist and child. The subsidiary research question addressed is, What are the conditions leading to separation anxiety in general and in particular, in the case of Charles? Through Charles' play with art materials, a therapeutic alliance was promptly established. Charles was able to eventually gain enough confidence that allowed him to relax sufficiently to engage in a symbolic process that seemed reparative, on a number of levels, for experiences surrounding his premature birth. In accordance with attachment theory, it can be hypothesized that these experiences laid a foundation for behaviours and parent/child relations which eventually were diagnosed as Separation Anxiety Disorder and a Parent/Child Relational Problem.