The purpose of this Major report is to develop a tool to analyze a web site. Maintaining a large web site is a significant task. There are tools available to help, but they are slow (because they probe the web site from a remote location), expensive, or cumbersome to use. The objective of this project is to design and implement an analyzer, which is simple to use, and which provides useful results quickly. WSA is JAVA based program, which can be used as either an application or an Applet embedded in a web page. The main goal of this tool is to generate a report, which states the relationship of links in the web site. The cores distinctive of features of WSA are: (1) For each HTML file, report links from it and links to it. (2) Report the leaf URL, which does not have any outgoing URLs. (3) Report the URLs, which are outside analyzed web site. (4) Report the non-existing URLs inside analyzed web site. (5) Report the permission denied URLs inside analyzed web site.