In wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), there are two main categories of routing protocols: flooding-based and position-based. Flooding-based protocols waste precious bandwidth in wireless networks; while position-based protocols attempt to reduce the bandwidth used for control traffic. Many of the position-based protocols use a unit disk graph model for the network and thus implicitly assume a uniform transmission range for mobile hosts. However, this assumption may not be true in reality. Due to the irregular transmission range, it may not be as straightforward to extract a planar and connected subgraph on which to perform routing. In [1], a position-based routing algorithm that can handle irregular transmission range and guarantee delivery of messages is presented. In this project, we simulate the irregular transmission range scenario and compare the performance of five routing protocols in this scenario: Dijkstra's shortest path[4], Greedy routing[13], Perimeter routing[3], GPSR[10] and RPBR[1]