A low cost monitoring system based on Smart Card technology is designed and developed to monitor the entire duration of driving, duration of pause, average driving speed as well as peak speeds over a preset period of time. The system is recording the information on a 8KB smart card of an encrypted manner to avoid any interaction of the driver or the enforcing authority with the information. The encryption permits continuous records as long as 30 days and could accommodate the information collected from the on-board computer of the car as well as of the external sensors. The system is using a microcontroller with serial and parallel interfaces to collect data. The system has been conceived as expandable to a larger number of sensors as well as to a larger capacity smart card system. In addition, an investigation on the capability of the system to record other information related to the driver's driving habits or dangerous manoeuvres has been carried out. The system has also been conceived to be capable of reading information from remote sensors through telemetry and record vehicle conditions that may lead to future accidents.