Scotland in the 16 th century was a highly unstable country, both politically and religiously. As a result of a weak monarch, corrupt papacy, an increase of literacy, and the strong leadership of a few individuals, Scotland experienced a Protestant Reformation that began in the early 16 th century, and ended in the 1560's. John Knox was the leader of the Reformation, and this thesis focuses predominantly on his life and contribution to the Reformation within Scotland. Reformation also occurred throughout Europe, with other leaders arising to create different forms of Protestantism. Martin Luther, who has been acknowledged as the original Protestant reformer, and Jean Calvin, who's understanding of Protestantism was both unique and influential, heavily effected John Knox's theological beliefs. This thesis examines the effect Luther and Calvin had on Knox in regards to both his reformation beliefs, and his understanding of Satan. The final section of this thesis summarized the effect that Luther and Calvin had on Knox's beliefs regarding Satan, and also examined John Wyclif and the Lollards as potentially being a strong influence on the Scottish reformer's beliefs regarding the anti-Christ. Finally, Knox's beliefs were explained as being characteristic of much of Scotland, and although Scotland was in many ways a Calvinist country, Martin Luther predominantly influenced Scotland's beliefs regarding the anti-Christ.