Transversal Entanglements: Research Creation and the design process for Inflexions Leslie Plumb This thesis or more appropriately, this written component of my thesis, is a continuation of the agency Research-Creation brought to the design process of Inflexions. ­­Inflexions is an open source interdisciplinary journal for Research-Creation, sponsored by SenseLab . Research-Creation -as it is engaged by this journal- “should be understood as a method of intuition, a technique for expanding perception that puts it into immediate contact with sensation” (Thain 2008, 3). Here, I work to foreground what Alanna Thain is here calling a technique and what Andrew Murphie elsewhere calls a “technics” of distributed agency (Murphie 2009: 2). I suggest that such a technics provoked a transversal and relational design process. This is explored through the Deleuzian and Guittarian concepts of “the relation”, “inflection”, “rhythm”, “becoming”, and the virtual and actual. Further elaborations are made expanding on Erin Manning’s concept of the “elasticity of the almost” and “preacceleration”. The exploration is invested in bringing new methods of viewing and experiencing to works online that are activated by the relational movements and milieus of the Web.