In this thesis we study the production and decays of $W_R$ gauge bosons in several left-right symmetric models. We first use experimental constraints on the branching ratios of $b \to s \gamma$, $b \to c e {\bar \nu}_e$, and $B_{d,s}^0-\bar{B}^0_{d,s}$ mixing to restrict the parameter space of the model. We then analyze the branching ratios of $W_R$ and look for signals in $pp \to W_R\ t \to t ~(dijet)$ and show that the LHC could find a significant resonance for new gauge bosons. Finally, we analyze the top pair production and forward-backward asymmetry, and show that while the cross section at the Tevatron and the LHC are in agreement with the predictions of the model, the asymmetry observed at the Tevatron is inconsistent with LR model predictions, while the small asymmetry observed at the LHC is compatible with the model.