Quantum control theory is a rapidly evolving research field, which has developed over the last three decades. Quantum optics has practical importance in quantum technology and provides a promising means of implementing quantum information and computing device. In quantum control, it is difficult to acquire information about quantum states without destroying them since microscopic quantum systems have many unique characteristics such as entanglement and coherence which do not occur in classical mechanical system. Therefore, the Lyapunov-based control methodology is used to first construct an artificial closed-loop controller and then an open-loop law is derived by simulation of the artificial closed-loop system. This work considers the stabilization of laser cavity as the main integral part of quantum optical systems through squeezing the output beam of the cavity. As a comprehensive example of this type of system, quantum optomechanical sensors are investigated. To this end, a nonlinear model of quantum optomechanical sensors is first extended incorporating various noises. Then, linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control method is used to tackle the problem of mode-squeezing in optomechanical sensors. Coherent feedback quantum control is synthesized by incorporating both shot noise and back-action noise to attenuate the output noise well below the shot noise level (Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase). In the second phase of this work, due to entanglement of the system with critical uncertainties and technical limitations such as laser noise and detector imprecision, robust H [infinity] method is employed for the robust stabilization and robust performance of the system in practice. In H [infinity] methods, a control designer expresses the control problem as a mathematical optimization problem and then finds the controller that solves this. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy in squeezing the cavity output beam is demonstrated by simulation.