This study examined the extent to which supports such as school funds and resources, parental and teacher attitude, in-service training, and planning contribute to the successful inclusion of children with disabilities at the early childhood level. Participants were five (5) children with developmental, emotional or behavioural disabilities attending pre-school and their parents. Eight (8) inclusive and non-inclusive regular classroom teachers from two schools also served as participants. Direct observations of the children in their school settings were used to assess the extent of the children's social and academic integration. In addition, participating parents and teachers were interviewed about their perceptions and attitudes toward inclusive education. Participating teachers were also asked to complete two questionnaires, the Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale (ATIES) and the Mainstreaming Questionnaire. Results demonstrated that overall the children were socially integrated and adjusted to their settings. All teachers and parents identified certain factors, which must be in place to successfully integrate children in regular classrooms. The importance of a teacher's aide, increased support services, appropriate in-service training for teachers and smaller class sizes were stressed. Implications for inclusive and non-inclusive settings are discussed.