In this thesis I provide a brief summary of the diverse and opposing camps of environmental supporters and their criticism of conventional economic models of development. I also review the basic tenets of the environmental/social cost-benefit analysis which has had the most influence in the arena of developmentalism. Despite the attraction of the model and its theoretical acceptability to international and often national development procedures, in practice, environmental/social cost-benefit analysis has had little influence, in part due to the lack of political and ideological commitment among most development policy makers and governments. The major problem, however, lies in the absence of a comprehensive and workable framework for environmental/social cost-benefit analysis. Focusing on major mega-dam projects in two case studies, namely the Narmada Valley Project in India and the Three Gorges Project in China, I underline, in this thesis, the theoretical and conceptual problems with cost-benefit analysis and the comprehensive environmental, social and economic impacts of each project. Contemporary evaluations fail to address the complexities and interconnectedness of the ecology-economy cycle and underestimate actual projects costs. Based on the findings of these two case studies I suggest that the evaluation of development projects with an improved environmental/social cost-benefit analysis could be more effective at bringing about comprehensive sustainable economic as well as human development. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)