This study examines the work-family environment to compare three theories of work-family relations. These three theories are spillover, compensation and segmentation. In the spillover theory, one environment (work or family) spills into the other environment (family or work), negative emotions will be carried from one environment (e.g. work) to the other environment (e.g. family). In the compensation theory people, if unfulfilled in one environment (e.g. family), compensate to have their needs fulfilled in the other environment (e.g. work). In the segmentation theory the work environment and the family environment are seen as separate, they do not influence each other. Within the theories of spillover and compensation, models of direct and indirect work-family relations were tested. Data for the study was collected from nurse in three hospitals in Ontario and Quebec. The results are from the study using structural equation modeling showed that nurses segmented their work stresses from their family, and their family from their work. Neither the spillover nor the compensation models were supported. The implications and potential applications are discussed.