The aim of this thesis-equivalent was to develop, deliver, and evaluate a harassment awareness program for airline employees. The program addressed what constitutes harassment, types of harassment and discrimination, and the effects of harassment on employees and the workplace. The target audiences were Flight Operations and In-Flight Service personnel. The development of the harassment program was based on instructional design theory, and research into flight crew and cabin crew performance. Formative evaluation of the training package was conducted where qualitative data was collected from subject matter and facilitation experts. Two small-group reviews of the modified package were conducted with members of the target audiences. Their knowledge gain was assessed through a pretest followed by the treatment and a posttest. Feedback was gathered through the use of a course evaluation questionnaire as well as group interviews. The package was then presented to the program facilitators for their input. Response to the training was positive. The performance objectives were achieved, however, additional evaluation would be necessary to assess the long-term impact of the training on the work environment.