This study is an analysis of the political thought of a prominent Pakistani scholar, namely, Muhammad Asad (1900-1992). The emphasis of the study is placed on how Asad's proposal of a contemporary model of the Shari'ah state in the context of Pakistan deals with constitutional questions pertaining to the nature and power of the various organs of the state, the question of modern Islamic legislation, the status of non-Muslims and women, and the relationship of the Islamic state with non-Muslim states. Asad is a distinguished Islamic scholar, and a fully and strongly committed Muslim whose life goal is the cultural, intellectual and spiritual renaissance of Muslims. In order to achieve these ideals, Islam should become a program of life, he urges, adding that the establishment of a truly Islamic polity is imperative if Muslims truly want a vehicle through which they can translate the tenets of Islam into action. In addition, he believes that the freedom and prosperity of Muslims would not be achieved unless its adherents whole-heartedly adhere to its tenets and strive for their implementation. This thesis is an historical study that analyzes the religio-political ideas of Asad, as can be gleaned from his writings: books, articles, and reports of interviews. The thesis also takes cognizance of a number of analytical and scholarly works on Asad's political thought. Lastly, certain conclusions are preferred in terms of the reliability and applicability of his model of the Shari'ah, and the suggestions he offers to a number of crucial issues plaguing many Muslim political thinkers.