Modern computers, offering high performance at a low cost have created the opportunity to upgrade the computer hardware of Concordia's flight simulator and to develop/implement a more sophisticated and versatile simulation software. The widely used 80 x 86 family of personal computers was chosen lending the new simulation software a high degree of portability, so that it can be used in the laboratory, in the class room or in the student's home. The simulation program was developed to be applicable as a research and teaching tool in the area of aircraft stability, control, systems, and human factors. This was achieved by designing a large flexibility in definition of the simulated aircraft's dimensions and coefficients, and by providing different options to monitor and store real time data. To offer insight into aircraft characteristics, a second program was developed to estimate the longitudinal stability of an aircraft using the USAF DATCOM method as a basis. This program demonstrates all the steps in the solution including the use of all necessary graphical data. Following an introduction outlining the history and objectives of this work, chapter two details the development of the dynamic flight model and the hybrid dynamic and kinematic ground model. Chapter three describes the implementation of the models into a working simulation program. Chapter four and five describe in detail the operation and simulation of the flight and navigational equipment typically found on a general aviation aircraft. The upgraded hardware is presented in chapter six, including custom built analog interface devices. Lastly chapter seven outlines the DATCOM method and its implementation into a computer program.