This thesis examines the five building campaigns undertaken by the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul between 1805 and 1932 in Montreal, beginning with the first St. Andrew's Church which opened in 1807; its second genesis in 1851; the first St. Paul's, opened in 1834 and relocated in 1868; and the present Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul, on the corner of Sherbrooke and Redpath streets, completed in 1932. The thesis contains a chapter in the form of catalogue raisonne on the history and provenance of the church's memorials (dating from 1870-1948), including eighteen stained glass windows and examples of ornamental metal work and textiles. Most of these memorials were incorporated into the current church building from the earlier churches. In addition to the topic's inherent interest, this study contributes to an understanding of architectural practice and social history in Montreal during this 125 year period and provides a model for future research