The high school dropout situation in the 1990s is taking on a greater urgency as society moves into an era in which technology and social organization require higher levels of skills and knowledge. This thesis examines how this social problem has evolved. In particular it explores the factors "pushing" students to drop out, and the responses established to prevent them from doing so. The policies implemented by the Quebec Ministry of Education (MEQ) are examined in light of what has been theorized and/or implemented elsewhere. A variety of theories are reviewed, many of which argue that dropouts are "pushed" towards their fate by social and institutional factors. Others note the complexity of the problem, with its myriad of interacting variables. An illustrative study of a program instituted under the MEQ's dropout prevention initiative is presented. This serves to allow for greater elaboration of the types of problems that are encountered in setting up and running a dropout prevention program. The study concludes with an analysis of the MEQ's dropout prevention strategy, considering its strengths and limitations. Suggestions for improvement of the strategy and suggestions for further research are proposed.