Pothole is a localized loss of material or depression on road pavement surface. The development of cracks and the formation of potholes on road surface are widespread problems in road construction and maintenance. The objective of this study is to develop mathematical models to compute stresses and deflections associated with the cracks in flexible pavement and the formation of potholes. A crack on a flexible pavement surface is a prerequisite for a pothole formation and progression. Three types of cracks, namely, transverse, longitudinal and alligator cracks are taken into consideration. As stated in the objective, mathematical models have been developed to compute stresses and deflections associated with cracks in flexible pavement and formation of potholes. A special case of blowout of asphalt pavement layer lying on an impermeable concrete base, due to water pressure in the cracks, is studied and a mathematical model is proposed. The mathematical formulations are applied to typical III pavement models and the results are reported in examples and graphs. A set of computer programs is developed for each proposed mathematical model to calculate stresses and deflections. This thesis is organized in chapters to report the results of the research work in an orderly manner.