Blue-winged teal, gadwall, and lesser scaup ducklings were exposed experimentally to identical doses of Streptocara crassicauda larvae. The heaviest infections developed in the teal. Gadwall were also highly susceptible and infection levels were generally similar to those in teal. Lesser scaup developed comparatively light infections. Lesions were restricted to the gizzard and occurred in the softer areas of the lining under the tendinous surfaces. Nematodes were generally confined to the lesions in scaup, but not in teal or gadwall. In these two species, they were also found elsewhere under the softer portions of the lining and, to a lesser extent, under the grinding plates. Teal and gadwall developed more and larger lesions because of the greater number of nematodes that established. When corrected for worm number, no difference in lesion size was found among the three species.