This thesis examines the immigration and integration of Haitians in Quebec society. First, a historical background of this process is presented. Second, there is a discussion of how education is strongly linked to the Haitian's particular status in Quebec. This status is subject to the political climate and commitment of the Quebec government to establish French culture as the dominant one. Finally, different interviews with Haitian respondents and participants are introduced. The findings of the cases studied suggest that some of the Haitians who arrived here in the 1960s (first wave) became "upwardly mobile' and benefited from unprecedented opportunities in Quebec. Unlike the first wave, the second and succeeding waves of Haitian immigration arrived in Quebec in a different political and socioeconomic context. Because many of these individuals had little education, they went to work mainly in factories. However, many of those who were well-educated failed to secure a job despite their education. This situation forced the latter into unemployment and underemployment. Starting with the assumption that education and employment are the main variables for achieving immigrant integration, this thesis seeks to understand these two different contexts of Haitian immigration and their effect on the integration process of these individuals in Quebec society.