Software quality is directly correlated with the number of defects in software systems. As the complexity of software increases, manual inspection of software becomes prohibitively expensive. Thus, defect prediction is of paramount importance to project managers in allocating the limited resources effectively as well as providing many advantages such as the accurate estimation of project costs and schedules. This thesis addresses the issues of defect prediction and learning in the geometric framework using statistical quality control and genetic algorithms. A software defect prediction model using the geometric concept of operating characteristic curves is proposed. The main idea behind this predictor is to use geometric insight in helping construct an efficient prediction method to reliably predict the cumulative number of defects during the software development process. The performance of the proposed approach is validated on real data from actual software projects, and the experimental results demonstrate a much improved performance of the proposed statistical method in predicting defects. In the same vein, two defect learning predictors based on evolutionary algorithms are also proposed. These predictors use genetic programming as feature constructor method. The first predictor constructs new features based primarily on the geometrical characteristics of the original data. Then, an independent classifier is applied and the performance of feature selection method is measured. The second predictor uses a built-in classifier which automatically gets tuned for the constructed features. Experimental results on a NASA static metric dataset demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed genetic programming based approaches.